Why You Shouldn't Celebrate the Destruction of the Georgia Guidestones
The Occult Meaning of Georgia's Stonehenge and its Destruction
I had never heard of the Georgia Guidestones (or Georgia Stonehenge) until reading about them in Wired Magazine 2009. To briefly summarize, an anonymous man calling himself R.C. Christian paid a substantial sum to build a large granite monument out in a field in North Georgia. The monument was completed in 1980 and features an astrological alignment, with ten “commandments” written in numerous languages along its faces.
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
The only note of explanation is a tablet reading, “Let these be guidestones to an Age of Reason.” And, apart from speculation, this is all that is definitively known about the guidestones’ origins or intent. The first of the commandments has drawn much negative attention over the years, for reasons that need little explanation.
The Wired article fascinated me, and I determined to see them for myself someday. Though I live in Georgia, this city of Elberton, where the guidestones are located, is not really a destination on the way to anywhere. I didn’t make it there until 2013, when we were able to take the hour detour on a trip with the kids.

Early yesterday morning the guidestones appear to have been bombed, with the side carved in English blowing up, and the rest of the structure left unstable. Late that afternoon bulldozers finished the job, and now none of it is left standing.
I grew up in a Christian family, of the evangelical kind, so at an early age I was admonished about the dangers of the occult. There was to be no playing Dungeons & Dragons for your humble narrator, nor even cable television, which my mother believed was “of the devil.” Even the word “occult” itself was repugnant to me, at least until much later when I learned it simply meant “hidden.” Then one day in 1993, when I was a bored 16 year old (because no cable), I picked up a book my mother’s friend had recently written and given to her. The name of the book was The Planned Destruction of America, and reading it changed my perspective permanently.
The Planned Destruction of America is a somewhat similar book to the more widely known None Dare Call it Conspiracy; the federal reserve is not federal and there are no reserves, most politicians in both parties serve the new world order not the people, and our elite are luciferians who use cultural Marxism to dismantle the western Christian culture. Pretty much standard red pill fare, and, for me, a gateway drug to more advanced reading like Tragedy & Hope. I realized that most of the really interesting information in this world was hidden, and developed a lifelong interest in occult knowledge of various kinds.
Businesses own intellectual property, some hidden from public view; trade secrets, algorithms, client data. Occult knowledge literally powers our economy. I sought to accumulated such knowledge as had practical applications in business and in life. Like the ability to cabalistically “manipulate matter one molecule at a time.”
The elite ruling class has its own religion; perennialism. Under this umbrella term are the interrelated belief systems of cabalism, theosophy, freemasonry, gnosticism, and luciferianism. Our perennialist elites consider themselves the Elect (of EL), and the masses are “the profane.” As we cross from the age of pisces into the age of aquarius, the human race must evolve its consciousness accordingly. Those who are not evolved enough, those set in their ways, are incompatible with the new age and cannot enter.
“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.”
— David Spangler, Occultist and UN Advisor
Generally, the perennialist believes himself to be acting in the best interests of humanity, and according to the “divine plan.” This allows him to manipulate reality, or much worse, not only with a clear conscience but with absolute conviction. One tool the perennialist uses to affect change on the material plane is the Sigil.
A sigil is symbol imbued with a magickal intent to change material reality by its creator, or creators. The sigil is “charged” by human attention; becoming more and more magickly powerful. Corporations often use sigils to attach themselves to your subconscious mind. Consider the sigils of our most popular cellphones, for instance.
Importantly, in Magickal workings as opposed to corporate ones, once fully charged the sigil must be released from the conscious mind, or destroyed in the material reality. Often perennialist sigil rituals involve burning the sigil. Occultist Austin Osman Spare said there should be "a deliberate striving to forget it," in order for the magick to work.
If you are a perennialist and member of the elite, and have come to belief the divine plan involves massive depopulation, constructing a massive granite sigil in rural Georgia makes perfect sense. You inscribe your intent right into the stone. The profane hear about your sigil and think about it, and visit it. Many of the profane come to hate it; energizing the sigil’s power ever more.
Eventually, the magickal intent of the guidestones sigil is expressed into the material world. An infinite chain of subtle causes and effects finally culminates in the mass vaccination of the world… a vaccination unlike any other, in many respects.
The destruction of the guidestones is not a good thing; they were allowed to be destroyed because they have served their occult purpose, and it’s best for the elite if they are quickly forgotten. Ten years from now, it will probably be a “conspiracy theory” that they ever existed.
The perennialist elite always show you first; they believe if they show you first, and you still fall for it, you’ve given your consent and their karma is clear. Amazon’s Utopia was filmed over the summer of 2019 and released in 2020.
Excellent opinion as to why the stones should have never been "disappeared". The only good I see regarding their destruction is that (for a short time anyway) millions of people who didn't even know they existed now do. Otherwise, it's really a non-event that does nothing to change the plans of those who truly embrace the first "commandment" on the stones. Their plans remain the same.
It is 2022. The "new language" IS happening all around us. The western governments and institutions (i.e. universities, etc) are already denouncing certain words, phraseology, and general "lingo". They are installing new concepts - new normalizations to our society that was once predominantly Christian. Our officials and leaders are abolishing context that we have known for decades if not much longer. The new language is "New Speak" that is talked about in 1984. It IS real, and it IS happening. You all need to open your eyes wider. The destruction of these guidestones is a major sign, and it should be heeded as a warning to all non-Elites.