One of the biggest differences (in my opinion) between my parents/grandparents and the parents/grandparents of today: My parents/grandparents didn't have debt. They *rarely* ever bought something on credit. I know that seems impossible in today's world, but is it? I know families right this minute who have a Mom staying at home raising NINE children while the dad works a blue collar job. They've chosen to drive used vehicles, grow lots of their own food etc. I know another family with 3 children in the same situation. They eat food they cook from scratch and live in a very modest home, have just one vehicle, etc. I'd love to see you write on the debt trap. Being slaves to the banks and how that lure has been used to make people feel like they *had* to "have it all" right from the get go. I can't remember the last figure I heard, so I can't quote it, but I think it was like the average family has around 6K in credit card debt. I'd also be willing that those same families have a large mortgage, payments on 2 vehicles, etc etc etc. I'm not speaking out of turn here... I went through a part of my life where everything I had I was making payments on it. I had to choose to literally *get rid of everything* and start over and save money for every purchase. It sucked. I was made fun of for driving beater vehicles, living in places that most people turned their noses up at etc. But it worked out for me. I'm not rich. I really screwed up financially. But what do I have? I have more liberty. I have the freedom to make some great choices no matter what happens around me. Sorry for the rant and I loved the post. BTW, my Mom often longs for the 1950's and she *loved* staying home with us kids. My sister is the same way. My sister is debt free as well, stayed home with her children and struggled and ate top ramen and rice and now has a fulfilling life spending tons of time helping to raise her grandchildren. I know finances are hard... I know we feel like we just "have to have it all" and there's no way to make it without two incomes. But I think that's just in our minds. It's our choice in the long run. Again. Sorry for the rant. Not disagreeing at all with what you said, just contributing another perspective.

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Great points Rob D! The older generations made enough to pay cash. Without the credit expansion and financialization of the past 60 years, the plundering of the middle classes would too obvious. Avoiding revolution is a primary directive of our system. If a "low monthly payment" can be substituted for just buying something outright, the illusion of a high standard of living can be maintained.

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