The Alchemical Transformation of America, Part 1
How Covid succeeded where 9/11 failed. The New Normal persists because the Alchemists always learn from their mistakes.
This is part one of the series The Alchemical Transformation of America; my continuation of a previous author’s work titled The Failed Alchemical Transformation of America. See part two here. See part three here.
I love the word ‘understanding.’ Its meaning is so straightforward, yet so complex simultaneously. Should you want to understand a physical object like a car, for instance, you (or a mechanic) would inspect it, especially from beneath. By literally standing under the car, one gathers important understandings about its mechanical condition. When we want to understand a concept, we have to do our ‘under standing’ metaphorically rather than in physical space.
The key to winning the ‘everything war’ we’re in is understanding (as best as possible) our problem. I define that problem as a corrupt Elite (or ruling class.) They might have made a positive impact once years ago, but now consume much more than they will ever produce again (a rentier class.) If we are able to understand what they’re trying to do and why, it’s much easier to mount a coherent resistance. Understand the worldview of the man and and you understand his actions.
I don’t have all the answers. My writing, I hope, will shed some light on some answers and create a desire for you to seek as well. Collaboratively, I believe we can understand the machinations of the Elite (of El), and work together with purpose to take their misused power and decentralize it, so they can no longer harm the innocent. The first thing I can tell you with high certainty is that they share a common set of metaphysical beliefs.
About 10 years ago I read a fascinating article called “The Failed Alchemical Transformation of America.” Unfortunately the full article is no longer online, but I’ve pondered its meaning often since. Its author had a very Masonic perspective, with thesis being that 9/11 was an attempt by our Elite to transform the America into something new via alchemical means, and that this attempt was ultimately unsuccessful.
Exoterically, the historical alchemist sought to transmute lead into gold. Esoterically, the transmutation of lead into gold references personal transmutation, purification, and perfection. (The heart/spirit of the alchemist is transmuted from lead into gold.) I would argue that our occult elite function as modern-day alchemists; both exoterically and esoterically. Consider the operations of the Federal Reserve:
At a material level, the Federal Reserve prints money from nothing, which is the essence of exoteric alchemy.
On a spiritual level, our lives, and the time and potential productivity they consist of are represented by money: When we work, we trade our lifeforce for dollars. Printing additional dollars takes from the value of yours thereby allowing the alchemist to absorb your lifeforce into their own. The metaphorical base metal of your life is transmuted into the gold of the alchemist’s purse through the magick of alchemy.
Just what the end state of America would look like following its transmutation was a question the original article never adequately answered. I’ve attempted to answer it myself over the years and will take a shot at it here. My own spiritual perspective is that of a Mystical Christian, in line with someone like Rudoplh Steiner, a man I greatly admire. I bring this up because in matters of mysticism, there are two paths: the right hand and the left hand. Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism are all examples of exoteric Right Hand Path (RHP) belief systems. Our occult elite, on the other hand, are on the Left Hand Path (pun intended.) This is symbolized in the Tree of Life, the top part of the tree containing the sephiroth is the right hand path, and its mirrored image below, the qliphoth, is the left hand path.
Left hand path (LHP) practitioners don’t publish many books explaining their practices, and what is available to review is largely Crowleyian nonsense, or written in a way the obscures the meaning. (Only LHP adepts can understand.) And in most mystical systems of any kind, the deepest truths reside in oral traditions. As an example, in Jewish tradition there are three ways esoteric knowledge can be obtained:
By interpreting sacred texts to uncover nistar (“hidden” meaning)
By oral transmission of tradition from a Kabbalistic master
By direct revelation, which might include visitation by an angel or Elijah, spirit possession, or other supra-rational experience
The Elite are not proceeding haphazardly in their actions, if anything the mystical belief system they operate by requires precision and intention (which is a weakness we could exploit to defeat them.) I spent several years working to gain understanding of these belief systems, two of those years formally training under a gnostic/kaballistic adept (RHP). Since it is axiomatic that ‘as above so below’ any point below the tree (LHP) would be philosophically identical to of any point in the tree above, only inverted. Understanding either path provides the needed information to understand both, with some of amount of thought required.
I suspect many of my readers would answer this question correctly, fear. (Hate is said to be merely a consequence of fear.) At the center of the Tree of Life is Tiphareth (#5 on glyph), and in the western world this is Jesus Christ, and metaphorically it is the Christ Consciousness. It’s usually represented closer to the heart than pictured below, but I liked this image because it also represents ‘as above so below’ or as Christians like myself say ‘on earth as it is in heaven.’ (The spheres are the aspects of God, superimposed over the human form they align with the chakras of the body, as we are in His image.)
An RHP alchemist would hope to transmute his lead heart on Malkuth (#1) into the heart of gold/god on Tiphareth and the enlightened Christ Consciousness defined by love. Reasoning from this we would expect LHP alchemists to have as their mystical goal the lowering of consciousness (ours possibly theirs) down the tree into opposite of Christ, fear.
“When you hear of wars and disturbances, do not be terrified; for these things must take place first, but the end does not follow immediately.” Then He continued by saying to them, “Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.”
- Account of Jesus speaking in Luke 21:9-10 (Emphasis Mine)
Jesus, Biblically and metaphorically, is telling us not to fall for the fear, not to let the evil elites terrify us. This too shall pass.
If you are a member of the Elite rentier class using occult knowledge to manipulate and feed off the masses, you have a lot to fear in the material realm. But as you get older and ever closer to death, the fear your metaphysical beliefs might fail the acid test must become almost all-consuming. No wonder they try to live as long as possible.
This is also why these men (usually men it seems) start charities; not to scam the tax system, or to continue doing harm by another means, but to actually help people. In their belief system, the good karma from charitable acts/giving can make up for or even outweigh the bad karma from everything else they do. It’s also essential to keeping the fear of death at bay.
I don’t include the Gates Foundation intentionally; Bill Gates does not strike me as a man with any mystical knowledge, nor does he act like one. The dubious endeavors of his charity reveal a lack of sincerity, certainly no awareness of karma. Gates is not in the inner circle, he’s just a materialist who (naively) believes when he dies it’s over, and who will do anything to postpone what he refuses to admit to himself is inevitable.
9/11 AND COVID-19
When you look at these event names (sigils) you can see visually “9/11” and “COVID-19” have at lot in common. What jumps out at me is that an “I” is also the roman numeral for one. Without the letters, COV1D-19 is the inverse of 9/11. In America, 911 is what you call in an emergency. The event 9/11 was a frightening spectacle, and when COVID-19 kicked off it was too (for many.) In both cases we were told to be afraid of an invisible enemy. And in both 9/11 and COVID-19, the Alchemists left behind some easter eggs, hidden in plain site where no one sees them.
To Be Continued…
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Dude, where's my Hatteras?
Very interesting perspective. One of the main differences I noticed between 9/11 and "covid" was the reaction by the people. With 9/11 we *genuinely* came together as a people. Screaming USA, USA, USA and other such mantras were on the lips of almost everyone. It was spontaneous and voluntary. With "covid" it was much different. The "togetherness" (we're all in this together) seemed forced and fake. It seemed to be set up on a false premise. None of it made sense and there wasn't any spontaneity to it at all. It seemed to all be based on some weird "guilt" system and instead of blaming the "virus" (ie "terrorist") we were drawn into blaming each other for everything! Amazing. I think the "elite" dropped the ball on this one. Although they've definitely accomplished a lot, I think their plans backfired a bit. I often say they would have been much more successful if they would have taken the trillions of dollars they've spent on "covid" and given it to the people to keep us fat, happy and ignorant while they pushed really hard behind the scenes to implement their plans. Can't wait for part 2!
Huh. Fascinating ideas here. :)