There are a lot of great sources on Substack for real COVID information, and scientific truths you won’t find elsewhere. Two of my favorites are Eugyppius and El Gato Malo. While I will probably still post pandemic stuff from time to time, I think it’s time to shift my personal focus elsewhere, hopefully somewhere fun and thought provoking for my readers. The things that have happened in the last 2 years in the U.S. have really sucked… but a lot of these things were building long before the scamdemic. For instance, some think the collapse of the repo market in September 2019 meant a financial collapse was guaranteed by spring 2020 no matter what. In that view, the pandemic offered the perfect cover for a sleath economic depression which occurred over a period of weeks instead of years, while we “sheltered in place.”
In my view, beginning after the JFK assassination in 1963, the citizens of this country have been intentionally, slowly, and relentlessly robbed of almost all their wealth. All the fun stuff people really want, (like a Porsche or a backyard pool) keeps getting more expensive. The lifestyle many of our middle-class parents or grandparents were able to live circa 1960 would cost more today than 98% of households could ever afford. (I’ll prove this in later Substacks, so make sure you subscribe.) All manner of propaganda, statistical manipulation, and outright deletion of history are being used to conceal this theft from us. I know that it doesn’t have to be this way. It is not our destiny to get poorer every generation, but we are. COVID to me is first and foremost an “economic” event, and not a medical one. It has medical aspects, but to be dragged into scientific debates in order to somehow justify your own economic or medical freedom, is to be distracted from the hand that is gently removing your wallet… as you debate the finer points of PCR testing with some idiot.
If we want to be a rich country again, we must eliminate the manipulation from our currency. What we have now is brutal dog-eat-dog capitalism for the middle class and poor, and socialism for the rich. It sucked before COVID, then $5 Trillion more was siphoned out of the middle classes and given to billionaires, during the first two years of the 15 days to slow the spread.
It used to be a hard working upper middle class man could buy himself a Hatteras by my age. In fact, among the older boat guys, the Hatteras is often derided as “just a middle class boat.” Take a moment to consider the idea of a middle class yacht, it seems laughable but the evidence is still out there (for now.)
“Dude, where’s my Hatteras?” - Slugdaddy
Yes, the kids shouldn’t be masked and the vaccines don’t work… but now you can’t afford a Hatteras, or even a decent pontoon boat. Is ending that local mask mandate really a big win?
Anyway, having recently had the ‘rona for the first time, I feel compelled to share my COVID story and thoughts:
After nearly two years of somehow avoiding it without trying, I caught COVID sometime this January. Except for maybe two weeks in January 2020, I’ve never been afraid of catching it. That said, at 45 and with an extra ~25 lockdown pounds on me, I am probably inching toward a higher risk group, but not by much. Probably a legitimate 1/10,000 risk of death. It really is laughable in the end how much society was able to be changed all over something far less risky than a night out at the club.
I started feeling a little rundown on a Sunday, just that sensation that my body was fighting something. That night I started taking the Zstack (vitamin D/quercetin/zinc) supplements I had on hand. Then on Monday I had to spend most of the day driving for work, and in my haste to get home grabbed Wendy’s drive thru… I rarely eat fast food these days, my body is spoiled on organic, “grass fed,” and artisanal foods. But those are generally not quick. By that night I was paying the price and could feel myself getting progressively sicker, so I started day 1 of a Ziverdo Kit I had previously imported in India, for just such an occasion. (Not a paid promoter or anything, but you can click the image to visit the site and make an order.)
While I acknowledge this may have been purely in my head, and certainly there is a survivor’s bias, within minutes of swallowing that first Ivermectin Monday night, I felt notably better. The anti-inflammatory qualities of Ivermectin really can be felt, even at a low dosage. I also began a low-dose aspirin regimen, to avoid any clotting from the spike protein.
During that night I dreamt the strangest dreams, some of them literally about the virus attempting to replicate within me and being blocked by the Ivermectin’s protease inhibiting qualities. Later I saw myself hopping around here and there, handing out Ivermectin tablets to those in need of early treatment. Tuesday morning when I woke up, I had slight fever and chills, yet I was fairly confident the viral replication phase was over.
By Wednesday night, I was starting day 3 of the Ziverdo Kit, and feeling mostly better, just fatigued. (Starting early treatment at first sign of symptoms, I was more or less through it in 48 hours.) Unfortunately, by Wednesday night my wife & 2 of the kids caught it too.
The pandemic has created a lot of division in my marriage. My wife is a good person through and through, and some part of her just can’t believe the health authorities would lie to us, or that their actions have led to mass death. I was able to convince her to skip the jab; given she’s 36 and in perfect shape, it wasn’t like there would be a rational argument for taking it - even if the jab was safe or effective. But as for the rest of it, she basically thinks I’m nuts. Between dating and marriage, she and I have been together for almost 17 years. Only the last 2 have been really rocky, the propaganda got in her head… So, she refused the Ivermectin I offered her and was sick several days longer than myself. The kids were totally fine almost immediately, without treatment of any kind.
I did have an unusual feeling a fatigue that lasted about 10 days from the start of symptoms. I could work an hour or two at a time in my home office, before I needed a nap of equal length. It was annoying, but nothing more. I drove myself to a nearby hospital offering free drive through PCR testing. It was quick, and the nurse did her best to be gentle. Notably, at no time throughout my federally-funded COVID testing process was I asked whether or not I was vaccinated.
While a part of me is certainly glad to put COVID (the disease) behind me, and receive the robust and long-lasting natural immunity, the experience left me with an abiding sense of sadness and shame: My country had essentially self-immolated over a virus that is only dangerous to the very old and very ill. Worse still, most people showed an eager willingness to sacrifice the young (lockdowns, masks, social distancing, medical neurosis) to save the old. I often think of COVID as a literal apocalypse; a revealing of hidden and dark things. What I saw revealed in many of my fellow citizens was fear, hate, selfishness, and a surprising tendency toward authoritarianism that clearly existed inside them long before the scamdemic. Viewing ones family members as potential disease vectors is far more cancerous to a soul than, well, cancer.
I hope we will see justice for the perpetrators of this scam, but justice won’t pay your rent (or buy you a Hatteras.) In the midst of this difficulty, I do believe there is a real opportunity for populist economic change. The system is weak now, over indebted, drained of credibility, and at the moment completely preoccupied with disasters of its own making. Now is the time to talk about what can be done, for the people.
Getting this thing sea worthy again is gonna take some careful planning, and a lot of hard work.
Really good Slugdaddy.
I have been skipping over the vaccine efficacy Substacks, appreciating the ones that think about what next.
And the economy, how to stop the One World digital currency controlled via social credit.
How should individual freedom be guaranteed in a more automated society?
Can home schooling overcome the indoctrination?
Since we don't want the transhumanism and microchipping, want less government control; how to achieve that if people have less economic usefulness.
I look forward to your future installments.